Performance Measurement and Analysis
- Scripts running under the Automation instrument sometime fail to detect applications running inside the iOS 6 simulator environment.
- Relaunch the simulator application and run the script again. 14447965
- The Allocations instrument can only attach to processes on devices running iOS 7. Processes must be started by Instruments on iOS versions prior to iOS 7. 14065257
- When attaching to a process running on an iOS 7 device with the Allocations instrument, the process may crash and the recording in the Allocations instrument then stops immediately. When attaching to a process on an iOS 6 or earlier device with the Allocations instrument, the process continues to run but no data will be collected in Allocations.
- Launch with Xcode and then attach with Instruments. Alternatively, transfer to Instruments by clicking “Profile in Instruments” in the debug memory gauge. 14828459
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