Wednesday, September 18, 2013

About Creating Your First iOS App

Your First iOS App introduces you to the Three T’s of iOS app development:
  • Tools. How to use Xcode to create and manage a project.
  • Technologies. How to create an app that responds to user input.
  • Techniques. How to take advantage of some of the fundamental design patterns that underlie all iOS app development.
After you complete all the steps in this tutorial, you’ll have an app that looks something like this:
As you can see above, there are three main user interface elements in the app that you create:
  • A text field (in which the user enters information)
  • A label (in which the app displays information)
  • A button (which causes the app to display information in the label)
When you run the finished app, you click inside the text field to reveal the system-provided keyboard. After you use the keyboard to type your name, you dismiss it (by clicking its Done key) and then you click the Hello button to see the string “Hello, Your Name!“ in the label between the text field and the button.
To benefit from this tutorial, it helps to have some familiarity with the basics of computer programming in general and with object-oriented programming and the Objective-C language in particular.
Note: You can use this tutorial to get started with iOS app development even if you intend to develop solely for iPad. Although this tutorial shows the iPhone user interface, the tools and techniques you use are exactly the same as those you use to develop iPad apps.

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